50mm lens testing & prism testing
October 28, 2017
So yesterday I've been thinking, because my final exam is around the corner (end of November), and after my finals I probably will be busy packing stuffs (because I'm staying at the hostel and as a hostel residents, we are required to clear all our stuffs from our room before the semester break starts) and I don't think I will have time to "lepak" (wander) around Kuching anymore before I back KK :( So before I get occupied with assignments & tests, we (Me and Calvin, my boyfriend) went to Waterfront to test out my new lens (50mm f/1.8G) with prism (I bought it from TaoBao for RM22.88 excluding postage), and here's the result:
(Without prism)
(With prism)
(Taken by Calvin)
I've told Calvin the prism wasn't supposed to be visible in the photo and it is used to get the "natural rainbow effect" (well I don't blame him because he's not into photography and I pity him too because he had to hold the prism with one hand and the camera on the other hand for like the same position for a long time (we took a lot of pictures) and the to get the rainbow to be visible it depends on the lightning and also certain angle to hold the prism)
Even tho the result is not what I've expect, but it turn out quite nice actually HAHAHAHA at least for me it's nice la hehe (Thank you Calvin!!! c:) and here I've included some visuals (of leaves) and of how I'm expecting the rainbow to appear on the pictures:
Here are some photos that I took with my 18-55mm kit lens (that is, before i got my new lens) and yes Calvin is playing phone again (because that's the only time I get to take pictures of him, normally he either refuses to so or he do silly faces):
And here's a pic taken by Calvin with the prism (and you can see his finger at the bottom left corner HAHAHAHA)
Not a very “elegant" pic of mine but it's ok, at least there's this 2 photos that I'm satisfied among all:
I am actually using the Nikon D5100 (crop sensor/ crop factor) which means that, even tho I am using a 50mm lens, but the results shown is actually 75mm which is quite hard for me to pictures in tight spaces. However I am really satisfied with wide aperture (f/1.8) that it possesses (Wider aperture = blurrier background!) And the "blurriness" is really smooth too hehe c:
I've also taken some sceneries (eg.buildings) photos this morning however I'm not really satisfied with it. :( It's a bad idea to shoot sceneries with a prime lens (ESPECIALLY when you are using a D5100 and a 50mm lens like me) I have encounter problems like unable to fit the whole building into the pic (because of limited spaces unless I stand in the middle of the road) or I do have enough spaces, but if I stand a little bit more back/ away from my subject (the building), I might got some unwanted stuffs into the frame as well (eg. cars, trees, signboard, another building and lots more) Soooooo if you wanna take sceneries photo it is better to capture with zoom lens :)
Conclusion (based on my own opinion): 50mm f/18G lens is only suitable for portraits in wide space area IF you are using a crop sensor/ crop factor camera body (like me).